Matveeva Elizaveta, Reconsidering the tradition: the Odinic hero as saga-protagonist
Matveeva Elizaveta, Reconsidering the tradition: the Odinic hero as saga-protagonist, (dir. J. Jesch, University of Nottingham)
En cours depuis ?/In preparation since ?
Résumé/abstract :
My project centres upon the representation of late Icelandic saga characters that are connected with Odinic motifs, and are usually based upon an earlier tradition of depicting a mortal hero consecrated to Óðinn. The major examples of such characters include Sigmundr, Sinfjötli and Sigurðr of Völsunga saga that goes back to Eddic poetry, and the eponymous kings and their champions in Hrólfs saga kraka and Halfs saga ok Halfsrekka. The aim of my thesis is to look at the perception and interpretation of these traditional storylines and their pagan theme in saga narrative of the Christian era, from both literary-critical and historical points of view.
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Rédaction (23 décembre 2014). Matveeva Elizaveta, Reconsidering the tradition: the Odinic hero as saga-protagonist. Mondes nordiques et normands médiévaux. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse