Lev KAPITAKIN , ‘The Twelfth-century Paintings of the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina,
Lev Kapitakin , ‘The Twelfth-century Paintings of the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo’, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2011, (dir. Jeremy Johns, The Khalili Research Centre for the Art and Material Culture of the Middle East)
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Rédaction (6 février 2016). Lev KAPITAKIN , ‘The Twelfth-century Paintings of the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Mondes nordiques et normands médiévaux. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ritm