Parution de F. Tocco (éd.), Sotto lo sguardo di Ruggero. Un sovrano, un regno, una città del Mediterraneo medievale
Francesco Paolo Tocco (éd.), Sotto lo sguardo di Ruggero. Un sovrano, un regno, una città del Mediterraneo medievale, Cefalù, Città di Cefalù, 2022.
Présentation de l’éditeur : It is a tale of ambitious adventures and fierce freebooters, of fortunes made and fortunes lost. The Normans made their influence felt across all of western Europe and the Mediterranean, from the British Isles to North Africa, and Lisbon to the Holy Land. In Empires of the Normans we discover how they combined military might and political savvy with deeply held religious beliefs and a profound sense of their own destiny. For a century and a half, they remade Europe in their own image, and yet their heritage was quickly forgotten – until now.
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Rédaction (16 décembre 2022). Parution de F. Tocco (éd.), Sotto lo sguardo di Ruggero. Un sovrano, un regno, una città del Mediterraneo medievale. Mondes nordiques et normands médiévaux. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse