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Old Norse Mythology Network and Conferences

Old Norse Mythology Network and Conferences

Responsables du projet/Project leaders : Pernille Hermann ( and Jens Peter Schjødt (

Établissements principaux/Main institutions : University of Aarhus, University of Aberdeen

Projet en cours/Project in progress

Description :

A network, based in Aarhus, has been in existence for some years, with several conferences. The network is very interdisciplinary, covering Old Norse language and literature, toponymy, runology, history of religions, ethnology, history, archaeology etc. The aim is to assemble the leading researchers in the field for conferences and to pursue a continuous discussion in the field of Old Norse mythology.

From next year these conferences will be held every other year in Aarhus and Aberdeen respectively, as cooperation between Nordisk Inst. and Inst. for religionshistorie at the University of Aarhus and Centre for Scandinavian Studies at the University of Aberdeen.

Settlements and Economies Around the Sea (SEAS). Maritime settlement, subsistence and economic histories around the Baltic Sea 500 BC – 1700AD. University of Helsinki, Finland

This project operates mainly inside three disciplines: archaeology, history, biology and linguistics (place names), but through cooperation it also incorporates elements of geology, climatology, and geophysics. A multidisciplinary approach, where different disciplines work in close cooperation, is used to reach the project’s objectives. The main objectives of the SEAS project are:

  1. To carry out a multidisciplinary study, analysis, interpretation, and publication of the development of settlement patterns, subsistence strategies, and economies in the maritime landscape during 500-1700 AD in the maritime landscape of Uusimaa and Finland Proper.
  2. To interpret the results from the perspective of the Baltic Sea region through close cooperation with parallel projects and institutions around the Baltic and North Sea.
  3. To jointly analyze and publish differences, generalizations and similarities within the broader area as a result of this cooperation.
  4. To promote maritime research and publish a general history of the areas around the Baltic and North Seas through a network of projects, institutes, and researchers.

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Rédaction (11 décembre 2014). Old Norse Mythology Network and Conferences. Mondes nordiques et normands médiévaux. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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