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Catégorie : Allemagne / Germany


RuneS : Runische Schriftlichkeit

The research project “Runische Schriftlichkeit in den germanischen Sprachen (RuneS)” (“Runic writing in the Germanic languages” deals with the earliest independently developed writing system in the Germanic languages, the runic script. It is the...

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159 0

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université d’Exeter)

Représentations modernes et contemporaines des Nord médiévaux 0

Représentations modernes et contemporaines des Nord médiévaux

Les résumés et les bibliographies des communications de la 1ère journée du séminaire “Représentations modernes et contemporaines des Nords médiévaux” sont en ligne sur le carnet en ligne “RIM-Nor” (

Thomas Elizabeth, ‘We have nothing more valuable in our treasury’ : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272 0

Thomas Elizabeth, ‘We have nothing more valuable in our treasury’ : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272

Thomas, Elizabeth, ‘We have nothing more valuable in our treasury’ : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2010, (dir. J. Hudson, University of St Andrews) Résumé/abstract : That kings throughout...

Bowie Colette Marie, The daughters of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine 0

Bowie Colette Marie, The daughters of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine

Bowie, Colette Marie, The daughters of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine: a comparative study of twelfth-century royal women, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2011, (dir. M. Strickland, University of Glasgow) Résumé/abstract : This...

Niblaeus Erik Gunnar, German influence on religious practice in Scandinavia, c. 1050-1150 0

Niblaeus Erik Gunnar, German influence on religious practice in Scandinavia, c. 1050-1150

Niblaeus Erik Gunnar, German influence on religious practice in Scandinavia, c. 1050-1150, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2010, (dir. J.L. Nelson, King’s College London) Résumé/abstract : The thesis is concerned with the later stages...