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Catégorie : Byzance / Byzantium


Call for papers: Vikings in the Mediterranean

Call for papers: Vikings in the Mediterranean The “Viking Age,” roughly 750-1050 CE/AD, is usually associated with the raids or wholesale movement of people from Scandinavia along the coasts of western and Atlantic Europe....


911-2011. Penser les mondes normands médiévaux

911-2011. Penser les mondes normands médiévaux Actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle (29 septembre-2 octobre 2011) publiés sous la direction de David Bates et PierreBauduin. Collection Symposia. Issu d’un colloque international tenu à l’occasion du...

Georgios THEOTOKIS, The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium 0

Georgios THEOTOKIS, The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium

Georgios  Theotokis,  The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium, in the years between 1071 and 1108 AD., Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2010, (dir. M. Strickland, University of Glasgow).  ...


Stambul/Constantinople-Kucukcekmece – the Destination Port of the Way from the Varangians to the Greeks, a Centre of “Byzantinization” of the Rus’ Community

Responsables du projet/Project leaders : Błażej M. Stanisławski (, Sengül Aydingün (, Hakan Öniz ( Établissements principaux/Main institutions : Wrocław University, Kocaeli University, Selçuk University Projet en cours/Project in progress Description : The Way...


Theotokis, Georgios. The Norman Campaigns in the Balkans, 1081-1108, Reviewed in The Medieval Review by G. A. Loud (University of Leeds)

Theotokis, Georgios The Norman Campaigns in the Balkans, 1081-1108. Warfare in History. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2014. Pp. xii, 262. £60.0/$99.00 (hardback). ISBN: 9781843839217 (hardback). Reviewed by G. A. Loud, University of Leeds Reviewed in The Medieval...

Humbert Benoit, La circulation des biens et des hommes dans la Rus’ ancienne d’après l’historiographie (IXe-XIIe siècle). 0

Humbert Benoit, La circulation des biens et des hommes dans la Rus’ ancienne d’après l’historiographie (IXe-XIIe siècle).

Humbert Benoit, La circulation des biens et des hommes dans la Rus’ ancienne et l’impact des Scandinaves sur le développement de la Rus’ d’après l’historiographie (IXe-XIIe siècle). Apport des sources scandinaves et perspectives comparées...

Perisanidi Maroula, Clerical celibacy: England, northern France and Byzantium (c.1000-1140) 0

Perisanidi Maroula, Clerical celibacy: England, northern France and Byzantium (c.1000-1140)

Perisanidi Maroula, Clerical celibacy: England, northern France and Byzantium (c.1000-1140), (dir. J. Barrow, C. Taylor, University of Nottingham) En cours depuis 2012/In preparation since 2012 Aucun résumé retrouvé/No abstract available [Source :]

Theotokis Georgios, The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium 0

Theotokis Georgios, The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium

Theotokis Georgios, The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium, in the years between 1071 and 1108 AD, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2010, (dir. M. Strickland, University of Glasgow) Résumé/abstract...