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Catégorie : Pays de Galles / Wales


Giraud de Barri, Voyage à travers la Cambrie & Description de la Cambrie. Découvrir le pays de Galles du XIIe siècle, éd. Jean-Charles Berthet, Grenoble, UGA Éditions, 2023

Giraud de Barri, Voyage à travers la Cambrie & Description de la Cambrie. Découvrir le pays de Galles du XIIe siècle, éd. Jean-Charles Berthet, Grenoble, UGA Éditions, 2023. Présentation de l’éditeur :  Le clerc cambro-normand...

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159 0

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université d’Exeter)


Bâtir un État « normand » aux XIe-XIIe siècles : de la guerre à la paix | Normonde

Normonde Journée d’études organisée par P. Bauduin (Université de Caen Normandie) et A. Peters-Custot (Université de Nantes) Bâtir un État « normand » aux XIe-XIIe siècles : de la guerre à la paix Appel à communication...


Continuity and Conquest – Memory and Social Practice in the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Realms

INTERNATIONAL MEDIEVAL CONGRESS 2018 Call for Papers Conquests are traditionally seen as some of the great turning points of history: paradigm shifts in which one regime is swept away by another, after which the...

Veninger Jacqueline, Archaeological landscapes of conflict in twelfth-century Gwynedd 0

Veninger Jacqueline, Archaeological landscapes of conflict in twelfth-century Gwynedd

Veninger Jacqueline, Archaeological landscapes of conflict in twelfth-century Gwynedd, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2015 (University of Exeter)

Colclough Samantha Jane, Image and reality in medieval weaponry and warfare : Wales c.1100-c.1450 0

Colclough Samantha Jane, Image and reality in medieval weaponry and warfare : Wales c.1100-c.1450

Colclough Samantha Jane, Image and reality in medieval weaponry and warfare : Wales c.1100-c.1450, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2015, (Bangor University) Aucun résumé retrouvé/No abstract available. [Source :]

Connors Owain James, The Effects of Anglo-Norman Lordship upon the Landscape of Post-Conquest Monmouthshire 0

Connors Owain James, The Effects of Anglo-Norman Lordship upon the Landscape of Post-Conquest Monmouthshire

Connors Owain James, The Effects of Anglo-Norman Lordship upon the Landscape of Post-Conquest Monmouthshire, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2013, (dir. S. Rippon, O. Creighton) Résumé/abstract : This thesis examines the effects the imposition...


Runes, Monuments and Memorial Carvings An International Research Network The RMMC Network brings together researchers, including postgraduate students, in the fields of, for instance, History, Viking Studies, Medieval Studies, Runology, Art History, History of Religion,...