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Catégorie : Fait religieux / Religion

Kristina Linscott, Interpretations of old wood : figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden 0

Kristina Linscott, Interpretations of old wood : figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden

Kristina Linscott, Interpretations of old wood : figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université de Göteborg)

Kaja Kollandsrud, Evoking the divine : the visual vocabulary of sacred polychrome wooden sculpture in Norway between 1100 and 1350 0

Kaja Kollandsrud, Evoking the divine : the visual vocabulary of sacred polychrome wooden sculpture in Norway between 1100 and 1350

Kaja Kollandsrud, Evoking the divine : the visual vocabulary of sacred polychrome wooden sculpture in Norway between 1100 and 1350, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2018 (Université d’Oslo) [Source :]


Reconstitution virtuelle du chartrier de la Trinité de Fécamp pendant la période ducale

Par Michaël Bloche, Conservateur aux Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime Dans le cadre de sa politique de mise en ligne, initiée en 2012, la Direction des Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime a souhaité notamment...


La bibliothèque de l’abbaye de la Sainte Trinité de Fécamp

La bibliothèque de l’abbaye de la Sainte Trinité de Fécamp Splendeur et dispersion d’une prestigieuse bibliothèque monastique normande (Xe-XVIIIe siècle) Organisateurs : Association des Amis du Vieux Fécamp et du Pays de Caux et Association...

Ciardi A. M., On the Formation of Cathedral Chapters and Cathedral Culture : Lund, Denmark, and Scandinavia, c. 1060–1225 0

Ciardi A. M., On the Formation of Cathedral Chapters and Cathedral Culture : Lund, Denmark, and Scandinavia, c. 1060–1225

Ciardi A. M., On the Formation of Cathedral Chapters and Cathedral Culture : Lund, Denmark, and Scandinavia, c. 1060–1225, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2016 (Lunds Universitet)

Karlsson Mattias, Konstruktionen av det heliga. Altarna i det medeltida Lunds stift 0

Karlsson Mattias, Konstruktionen av det heliga. Altarna i det medeltida Lunds stift

Karlsson Mattias, Konstruktionen av det heliga. Altarna i det medeltida Lunds stift, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2015 (Lund University)

Ellis Nilsson Sara E., Creating Holy People and Places on the Periphery. A Study of the Emergence of Cults of Native Saints in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Lund and Uppsala from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries 0

Ellis Nilsson Sara E., Creating Holy People and Places on the Periphery. A Study of the Emergence of Cults of Native Saints in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Lund and Uppsala from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries

Ellis Nilsson Sara E., Creating Holy People and Places on the Periphery. A Study of the Emergence of Cults of Native Saints in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Lund and Uppsala from the Eleventh to...

Ljung Cecilia, Under runristad häll : Tidigkristna gravmonument i 1000-talets Sverige 0

Ljung Cecilia, Under runristad häll : Tidigkristna gravmonument i 1000-talets Sverige

Ljung Cecilia, Under runristad häll : Tidigkristna gravmonument i 1000-talets Sverige, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2016 (Stockholm University)