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Catégorie : Sciences, techniques et savoirs

Kristina Linscott, Interpretations of old wood : figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden 0

Kristina Linscott, Interpretations of old wood : figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden

Kristina Linscott, Interpretations of old wood : figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université de Göteborg)

Patzuk-Russell Ryde, The development of education and Grammatica in Medieval Iceland 0

Patzuk-Russell Ryde, The development of education and Grammatica in Medieval Iceland

Patzuk-Russell Ryde, The development of education and Grammatica in Medieval Iceland, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (University of Birmingham)

Amy DEVENNEY, Miracles and medicine in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily 0

Amy DEVENNEY, Miracles and medicine in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily

Amy Devenney, Miracles and medicine in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily, Thèse de doctorat en cours (co-dir. G. Loud, I. McCleery, P. Oldfield, University of Leeds)   Résumé/abstract :   My PhD research focuses...

Kedwards Dale, Cartography and Culture in Medieval Iceland 0

Kedwards Dale, Cartography and Culture in Medieval Iceland

Kedwards Dale, Cartography and Culture in Medieval Iceland, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2015, (Université d’York) Résumé/abstract : While previous studies of the medieval Icelandic world maps have tended to be cursorily descriptive, and...

Salter Ruth, Saints’ lives and medicine in England, 11th and 12th centuries 0

Salter Ruth, Saints’ lives and medicine in England, 11th and 12th centuries

Salter Ruth, Saints’ lives and medicine in England, 11th and 12th centuries, (dir. A. Lawrence, University of Reading) En cours depuis 2012/In preparation since 2012 Aucun résumé retrouvé/No abstract available [Source :]

Devenney Amy, Miracles and medicine in the Norman kingdom of Sicily 0

Devenney Amy, Miracles and medicine in the Norman kingdom of Sicily

Devenney Amy, Miracles and medicine in the Norman kingdom of Sicily, (dir. G. Loud, P. Oldfield, I. McCleery, University of Leeds) En cours depuis 2013/In preparation since 2013 Résumé/abstract : My PhD research focuses...