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Catégorie : Migrations et diasporas / Migration and diasporas

Bastien Michel, Mobilités et réseaux aristocratiques dans les mondes normands médiévaux 0

Bastien Michel, Mobilités et réseaux aristocratiques dans les mondes normands médiévaux

 Bastien Michel, Mobilités et réseaux aristocratiques dans les mondes normands médiévaux : les élites entre Vire et Dives (Xe – XIIIe siècle), dir. P. Bauduin, Université de Caen Normandie CRAHAM Résumé du projet  Notre...


Colloque “Norman Connections”- Mannheim 15-17 octobre 2020

Tagung/conference “Norman Connections – Normannische Verflechtungen zwischen Skandinavien und dem Mittelmeer“ Mannheim 15.-17. Oktober 2020 Veranstaltungsort: Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim, Florian-Waldeck-Saal La dynamique de l’interconnectivité médiévale peut être particulièrement bien observée en étudiant les Normands, qui...


Archaeologies of the Norman Conquest

Archaeologies of the Norman Conquest is a new research network examining the cultural, social, and political implications of the Norman Conquest through an explicit focus on archaeology and material culture. Its chief aims are...

Nikolas Gunn, Contact and Christianisation: Reassessing Purported English Loanwords in Old Norse 0

Nikolas Gunn, Contact and Christianisation: Reassessing Purported English Loanwords in Old Norse

Nikolas Gunn, Contact and Christianisation: Reassessing Purported English Loanwords in Old Norse, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université d’York)

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159 0

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159

Thomas Harry Chadwick, ‘Normanitas’ revisited : reconsidering Norman ethnicity, 996-1159, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université d’Exeter)

Alasdair C. Whyte, Settlement-names and society : analysis of the medieval districts of Forsa and Moloros in the parish of Torosay, Mull 0

Alasdair C. Whyte, Settlement-names and society : analysis of the medieval districts of Forsa and Moloros in the parish of Torosay, Mull

Alasdair C. Whyte, Settlement-names and society : analysis of the medieval districts of Forsa and Moloros in the parish of Torosay, Mull, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université de Glasgow)

Sofia Evemalm, Theory and practice in the coining and transmission of place-names : a study of the Norse and Gaelic anthropo-toponyms of Lewis 0

Sofia Evemalm, Theory and practice in the coining and transmission of place-names : a study of the Norse and Gaelic anthropo-toponyms of Lewis

Sofia Evemalm, Theory and practice in the coining and transmission of place-names : a study of the Norse and Gaelic anthropo-toponyms of Lewis, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2018 (Université de Glasgow)

Nela Scholma-Mason, Archaeology and folklore : the Norse in Orkney’s prehistoric landscape 0

Nela Scholma-Mason, Archaeology and folklore : the Norse in Orkney’s prehistoric landscape

Nela Scholma-Mason, Archaeology and folklore : the Norse in Orkney’s prehistoric landscape, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université d’York)