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Catégorie : Parenté, famille et liens sociaux / Kinship, family and social links

Thomas Elizabeth, « We have nothing more valuable in our treasury » : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272 0

Thomas Elizabeth, « We have nothing more valuable in our treasury » : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272

Thomas Elizabeth, « We have nothing more valuable in our treasury » : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2010, (dir. J. Hudson, Université de St Andrews) Résumé/abstract : That kings throughout...

Mauduit Christophe, Princes et réseaux de pouvoir dans l’Ouest de la Normandie (XIe -XIIIe siècle) 0

Mauduit Christophe, Princes et réseaux de pouvoir dans l’Ouest de la Normandie (XIe -XIIIe siècle)

Mauduit Christophe, Princes et réseaux de pouvoir dans l’Ouest de la Normandie (XIe -XIIIe siècle), (dir. Veronique Gazeau, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie). En cours depuis 2013/In preparation since 2013 Résumé/abstract : L’ouest de la Normandie fait...

Profile of a Doomed Elite: The Structure of English Landed Society in 1066 0

Profile of a Doomed Elite: The Structure of English Landed Society in 1066

Profile of a Doomed Elite: The Structure of English Landed Society in 1066 Responsable du projet/Project leader : Christopher Lewis ( Établissement principal/Main institution : King’s College London Projet en cours/Project in progress Description...

Walsh Rachel, The family network of the earls of Chester 0

Walsh Rachel, The family network of the earls of Chester

Walsh Rachel, The family network of the earls of Chester, (dir. N. Tringham, P. Morgan, Keele University) En cours depuis 2013/In preparation since 2013 Aucun résumé retrouvé/No abstract available [Source :]

James Moore, The Norman aristocracy in the long eleventh century : three case studies 0

James Moore, The Norman aristocracy in the long eleventh century : three case studies

James Moore, The Norman aristocracy in the long eleventh century : three case studies, Thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2017 (Université d’Oxford)

Moore Gavin, Earls Ranulf III and John le Scot of Chester, a case study, c. 1181-1237 0

Moore Gavin, Earls Ranulf III and John le Scot of Chester, a case study, c. 1181-1237

Moore Gavin, Lordly power and lordship: earls Ranulf III and John le Scot of Chester, a case study, c. 1181-1237 (dir. K Hurlock, J. Roche, T. Adams, Manchester Metropolitan University) En cours depuis 2014/In...

Lunga Peter, The context and purpose of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland c. 1120-c. 1230 0

Lunga Peter, The context and purpose of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland c. 1120-c. 1230

Lunga Peter, The context and purpose of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland c. 1120-c. 1230, (dir. N. Berend, E. van Houts, University of Cambridge) En cours depuis 2014/In preparation since 2014 Aucun...

Kilpi Hanna, The role of lesser aristocratic women in 12th-century England 0

Kilpi Hanna, The role of lesser aristocratic women in 12th-century England

Kilpi Hanna, The role of lesser aristocratic women in 12th-century England, (dir. S. Marritt, J. Smith, University of Glasgow) En cours depuis 2013/In preparation since 2013 Résumé/abstract : My thesis examines the place of...